"The American novelist
Sol Yurick ... was
too radical, too extreme and too violent for the respectable literary establishment of New York, yet no writer more fully embodied the city's anguished spirit in the 1960s. His novels The Warriors (1965), Fertig (1966) and The Bag (1968) constitute a trilogy of vibrant energy, biting satire and high, though irreverent, artistic seriousness."
Eric Homberger, The Guardian
© Nancy Crampton. All rights reserved.
Yurick discusses his novel, The Warriors,
and its film adaptation.
A standing room only crowd of family and friends filled the Commons in Brooklyn, on May 4th, for a multi-generational celebration of Sol Yurick’s life and work. Visit HERE to view the short film on Sol’s life produced by Lewanne Jones, read the poem by George Caffentzis, and view photos of the event. Thank you to all who came, spoke, and celebrated with us.
Read the short story here...
Delbert Mellon used a simulated island to pile up a genuine debt—and put the world's financial systems at risk. Adapted from the unpublished novel.
—Datamation 30.19 (Nov 1984)